Course curriculum

  1. 1

    • Study LESS, Study SMART

    • Class vs Standardized Test - 2 Different Study Approaches

    • How to Stay Focused While Studying

    • Study Tips and Tools for Better Grades

    • Memorization technique - Memory Palace and Mnemonics

    • How to Memorized Everything

    • How to Study More Effectively using Feynman Technique

    • POMODORO TECHNIQUE - Improve Studying and Productivity

    • Lies About Becoming a Top Student

    • Ultimate Student LifeHack - Mindfulness & Meditation!-

    • 7 Evidence-Based Study Strategies (& How to Use Each)

    • 3 Steps to Read Faster – Truth on Speed Reading

    • How to STUDY When You DON'T FEEL LIKE IT!

    • 3 Attributes Determine Your Grades (& How to Change Each)

  2. 2
    • 4 Tips How to Nap and NOT Wake Up Groggy

    • Sleep Smarter - Sleeping Science, How to be Better at it, & Feel More Refreshed

    • Sleep Deprived and Always Tired- How to Overcome It

    • 8 Reasons Your Morning Routine is KILLING Your Productivity

    • How to Wake Up Early - And Not be Miserable

    • The Art & Science of Sleep

  3. 3
    • How to BULLETPROOF Your New Year's Resolutions

    • Types of Procrastination (& The Cures)

    • Steps to Cure Procrastination

    • Time Management Lies - Why You're Not Productive

    • Foundational Principles to Productivity

    • POMODORO TECHNIQUE to Improve Studying and Productivity

    • Test Coming Up- Watch This First

    • How to MASTER Your HABITS - Atomic Habits

    • Anatomy of a Perfect Daily Schedule

    • Why Your Schedule is FAILING You

    • Super Human Productivity & Efficiency

  4. 4
    • 3 Steps to a Perfect Night Routine

    • Top Time-Management Tactics of Doctors

    • 6 Morning Routine MISTAKES That Are KILLING Your Productivity

    • The Four Laws of Habit Change

    • AVOID These 4 Night Routine Mistakes

    • Anatomy of a Perfect Night Routine

    • Anatomy of a Perfect Daily Schedule

    • 5 Night Routine Mistakes You're Making (& How to Fix Them)

    • Finals Week! - 6 Study Tips & Tricks

    • A Perfect Morning Routine

  5. 5

    • All about INDEED and Searching for Job Online

    • All about INDEED and Searching for Job Online - 2

    • DEVLOPING SMART GOAL na dealing with Online Application

    • Four Things to Consider Before Changing Careers

    • Job Hunting 101

    • Exploaring Salaries Options

    • Following Up After a Job Interview

    • Coping with Professional Rejection and Stress

  6. 6
    • Active Listening and Miscommunication

    • Giving Feedback

    • Get the Right Message Across With Your Body Language - Inc. Magazine

    • Kip Tindell- Communicate With Compassion - Inc. Magazine

    • Shake Shack CEO- Communicate What's Important To You Every Day

    • How to Make a Phone Call- An Etiquette Guide

    • Why Your Voice Matters So Much More Than You Think

    • Project Management Tutorial - How to communicate effectively in business

    • Good Communication 101- Mirroring, Jargon, Hifalutin Words - Alan Alda - Big Think

    • Amy Cuddy Explains How to Become a Powerful Public Speaker - Inc. Magazine

    • Communication Skills - How To Improve Communication Skills - 7 Unique Tips!

    • Communicate with influence, every time...

    • Business Communication and Etiquettes

    • Writing a Clear Business Memo

    • De-Escalating an Argument

    • Five Tips for Overcoming Phone Anxiety

    • Writing Powerful Document, Letter and Report